The Ballinger Agency     423 - 344 - 3114

The basic BOP excludes some types of property from its coverage. For many of these items, such as money and securities or outdoor signs, insurance is available as an addition to the BOP for an additional premium. For items such as motor vehicles or boats, however, you will need to purchase a separate policy. Excluded property usually includes:

  • Any vehicles subject to motor vehicle registration, including aircraft, autos and trucks
  • Bullion, money, or securities
  • Land, water, growing crops, lawns, trees, shrubs, or plants
  • Outdoor fences and signs not attached to the building

You should discuss with your agent what property is and isn't covered by your policy, as well as whether you may need to purchase additional coverage for some types of property excluded from the basic BOP coverage. Since most businesses, for example, own or use vehicles, they should consider business automobile insurance.