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Most entrepreneurs are risk takers, willing to invest resources with an expectation and hope, but no guarantee, of reward. But, from the viewpoint of insurance, "risk" is another word for "peril" and refers to things that can go wrong. Crime, vandalism, fire, a personal injury lawsuit, a computer virus, equipment breakdown, nondelivery of raw materials, death or illness of a key employee, the list of adverse events which can cause economic harm to your business or organization goes on.

Risk management is a broad topic. It involves taking steps to minimize the likelihood of things going wrong, a concept known as loss control. It also involves the purchasing of insurance to reduce the financial impact of adverse events on a company when, despite your best efforts, bad things happen. No one likes thinking about what could go wrong. Nevertheless, as a prudent manager, you should understand the risks your business faces. Until you identify risks, you can't make good decisions about managing them.